
Master in Ayurvedic Therapy and Consultancy

The Master in Ayurvedic Therapy and Consultancy is not a simple introduction to Ayurveda, but rather a complete training in practical application. It allows participants to acquire in-depth knowledge and master the main ayurvedic techniques and therapies, adapting them to real needs and contexts, ultimately training them as fully independent therapists.

They will have the necessary skills to carry out assessment and diagnosis consultations in accordance with Ayurvedic medicine, as well as advising and implementing treatment plans, dietary plans, phytotherapy and hygienic practices in accordance with the diagnosis of each patient.

The program content of this course considers all therapeutic areas, from diet to plants (using both Portuguese and Western flora according to Ayurvedic energetics and Indian herbs, thus presenting a treatment model accessible to the West), from mantras to meditation.

It covers the central aspects of ayurvedic theory, diagnosis and practice, exploring the multiple components, exercises and techniques that work together to promote a balanced and healthy way of life. All aspects of life are addressed in a practical way, with a view to treatment and transformation.

The Master in Ayurvedic Therapy and Consultancy includes these 17 modules, in a total of 364 hours. Each module can also be completed as independent certified training – talk to us!


Payment modalities

100€ pre-registration + 4344€ or 18 instalments of 248,75€ (to be paid untill the 10th of each month)

There are no prerequisites for taking this course.

However, it is necessary to consider that it is a challenging course with moments of theoretical and practical evaluation throughout the training.

It is recommended to have some knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology for a correct application and understanding of the therapies and techniques involved.

If you feel the need to deepen your knowledge, you can enjoy a 30% discount on the Anatomy and Physiology Course taught within the Advanced Course on Complementary Osteopathic Techniques – talk to us!

Payment must be made by bank transfer to IBAN:

PT50 0007 0000 0029 0422 07523

HOLDER: Centro de Ayurveda
(David Ferreira)

It is essential to send proof of payment to the email:


The Master in Ayurvedic Therapy and Consultancy includes these 17 modules, in a total of 364 hours. Each module can also be taken as a certified independent training - talk to us!


Ayurvedic Therapeutic Massage

During 30 hours, you will learn Ayurvedic massage – an ancient and holistic body art from India that gave birth to many other official and alternative medicines.


Diagnosis and Anamnesis Techniques

This 20-hour training course is suitable for anyone who feels the need to know in more detail the particularities, tendencies and deficiencies of each individual using up-to-date diagnostic techniques proven by the experience of millennia.


Ayurvedic Fitotherapy

In these 20 hours, we will tackle the subject of herbalism or herbal medicine, which consists of using plants (flowers, leaves, stems, bark, roots, seeds and fruit) and their extracts for health maintenance.



In 30 these hours, we will work on some clinical sequences of Thai Ayurvedic massage. We will teach the manoeuvres indicated for each Dosha as well as the choice of oils to use for each one. We will also make an introduction to Yogatherapy.



In this 10-hour training course, we will look at one of the most enjoyable and widespread ayurvedic therapies, practised in the best spas in the world. It involves the therapeutic application of a continuous flow of liquid on the forehead for specific periods of time.


Oils According to Ayurveda

In these 10 hours, you will be able to learn simple and practical techniques for preparing oils with the most diverse healing effects and applications. You will learn how to make and have the opportunity to take with you highly beneficial oils for everyday use.


Complementary Therapies

These 20 hours will cover 8 Ayurvedic therapies used both as maintenance, detoxification and rejuvenation techniques for healthy people and for the treatment of specific imbalances.


Pinda Swedana

In these 20 hours we will address 4 different ayurvedic therapies where heating techniques with pindas are used for different therapeutic purposes. You will learn how to make pindas from Portuguese herbs.


Indian Head Massage

In these 20 hours, you will learn the benefits and main techniques and sequences of massage to the head, face and surrounding areas with the most diverse healing effects and applications.


Chavutti Thirumal

During 20 hours, you will get to know this foot massage technique developed by the martial artists of Kalaripayattu, which mixes art and dance, and can reach the source of pain with gentle, deep or invigorating movements.


Vibrational Massage with Crystals

In 14 hours, we will give a theoretical and practical introduction to various subtle therapies aimed at healing the physical body and its electromagnetic field.


Ayurvedic Beauty Care

In these 40 hours, you will learn about a wide variety of beauty treatments of herbal origin. Through the analysis of skin, body and hair type you will be able to personalize very effective treatments for the face, body, hands, feet and hair.



In these 20 hours, you will learn to apply marmatherapy, information which has been kept somewhat secret (vital point therapy) and which is only now beginning to be divulged in the West


Ayurvedic Nutrition and Culinary

In these 20 hours, you will get to know the importance that nutrition plays as a basic pillar of health and an imperative complement in Ayurvedic medicine. You will also learn how to prepare Indian recipes following the precepts of Ayurvedic nutrition and culinary.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

In 20 hours, you will be able to practise the ayurvedic techniques Garshana, Udwartana and Neerabhyanga as well as learn how to elaborate lymphatic programs according to each biotype.


Vastu Vidya

In 10 hours, we will discuss this traditional Indian system of architecture and design, of Vedic origin, in the context of consulting for therapeutic spaces and spas both in their construction from scratch and in the correction of existing ones.



In these 40 hours, we will cover the most profound and complete therapeutic program in Ayurveda. It consists of 5 deep cleansing therapies which aim to eliminate all toxins from the body, even those accumulated in the deepest tissues, and to re-establish natural balance.



Fill in this form with your data and you will be contacted as soon as possible.



Fill out the registration form, transfer the pre-registration amount or choose prompt payment to the account PT50 0007 0000 0029 0422 07523, and provide documentation to info@centrodeayurveda.com if you want to formally register and ensure your spot right away.