Craniosacral Therapy
In these 42 hours, you will be able to learn this therapy which is applied in a very gentle and non-invasive way with very productive results and which constitutes a fundamental therapy within osteopathy.
In these 42 hours, you will be able to learn this therapy which is applied in a very gentle and non-invasive way with very productive results and which constitutes a fundamental therapy within osteopathy.
This 20-hour training course aims at describing the components of the human organism, detailing their functions and groupings, and increasing the students’ anatomical-descriptive vocabulary.
During 42 hours fascial manipulation techniques will be taught that benefit pain relief, the re-establishment of movement, the relief of tension, circulation, the reduction of oedemas and many others.
In these 64 hours, it will be possible to learn techniques of mobilisation and manipulation of joints, muscles, and other anatomical structures capable of restoring mobility to the body in areas that are blocked and suffer from rigidity.
A cycle of 5 seminars approaching clinical practice in Osteopathy aimed at dealing with specific situations. It brings together a set of knowledge and is intended to provide the trainee with specific osteopathic protocols as tools to deal with common problems in clinical practice.
During these 20 hours, you will be able to learn about Ayurveda’s contribution to the health of the spinal column and apply some of its ancient treatment protocols for dorsalgia and other clinical situations.
R. Rosa Araújo 34,
1250-195 Lisboa,